When it is time to put the bolt group
back together make a habit of first laying out all
of the parts and checking to make sure they are
all there. Nothing beats finally getting everything
in place while holding tension on a spring only
to find that you don't have the extractor handy
and have to start over.
When putting the M1
Garand back together you need very few tools. In
the case of the bolt group all we use is a plastic
writing pen with a sturdy body.
Wear safety glasses
when doing stripping or re-assembly as there is
the possibility of a spring popping lose and you
don't want to lose your vision over maintaining
a rifle.
Begin by coating all parts in a very
thin coating of oil. Because of concern for slam-fires,
put as little as you possibly can on the firing
pin.. just barely enough to keep it from rusting.
Then begin the
re-assembly process by replacing the firing pin
in the bolt.
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