Few things in life are easier than
field stripping an M1 Garand Rifle. Just as people were impressed many years ago
with how easy it is to tear down a Model 1911 Colt pistol, they are smitten with
the elegant simplicity of the M1 Garand.  Check
to make sure the rifle is unloaded! Note the W.W.II era blood
drive poster.
first thing to do when preparing any work on any firearm,
and indeed any time you so much as pick up a firearm is to 'clear' it. This simply
means checking it fully and completely to make sure that it is not loaded
and that no rounds, or shell casings remain in the magazine or chamber. Even
after clearing the weapon still make sure that the muzzle is always pointed
in a safe direction. Never handle weapons when exhausted or under the influence. If
you ever run across any firearm that you are not 100 percent sure exactly how
to check it to make sure it is unloaded, DON'T touch it. Get help from someone
who knows what they are doing. When
the weapon is totally safe start field stripping by removing the trigger group... Please go to
the next page. 