Detail stripping the trigger group
requires the removal of the safety.
In order to free the Safety from the housing
- gently push the Safety from the top to the right
hand side of the trigger housing.
When the Safety disengages
from the clip ejector spring - simply lift it out.
One of the most annoying
parts of the M1 to get back in place once it is
removed is the Clip Ejector Spring. This is particularly
true if your trigger housing is worn where the spring
rides against the bottom of the housing.
Because of this we
do not always remove this spring.
When we DO choose to
remove the Clip Ejector Spring, we simply take the
screwdriver part of the combo tool and press it
firmly through the slotted opening on the left side
of the trigger housing. The Clip Ejector Spring
will 'pop' free of its mounting without undue force.
When it disengages
from its mounting, simply pull the Clip Ejector
Spring out of the trigger housing.
The Hard Part
Is Over.. now to finish...