The photographs that follow show
the removal of the front sight after the Gas Cylinder
has been removed from the M1 Garand Rifle. We do
not however generally remove the Gas Cylinder from
the rifle when working on the front sight. For photographic
clarity however, the photographs in this section
show the process being done on a Gas Cylinder that
is not attached to the rifle.
The first step in removing the Front Sight
is to loosen the Front Sight Screw with a 3/16th
inch Allen Wrench. (These wrenches are also referred
to as Hex Keys in some circles.)
Before loosening the
Front Sight Screw I will sometimes mark the top
of the Gas Cylinder where the sight and the Cylinder
come together with a Sharpie style marker. This
makes it more easy to replace the sight in exactly
the same spot.
To loosen the Front Sight Screw I
place the small end of the Allen Wrench into the
head of the Front Sight Screw and turn it counter
clockwise several turns.

When the Front Sight
Screw is loose enough to turn easily, (and after
it has been backed out of its recess far enough),
turn it with fingers until the threads are disengaged
and it is loose.
Pull the Front Sight
Screw out and set it aside.

The Front Sight can
now be pushed straight off of the Gas Cylinder as
shown below.

That's all there is
to removing the front sight!
Next, removal of
the Rear Sight.
Next Page
