Part name: Trigger Group
Part Function: The purpose of the Trigger
Group is to transfer the pressure delivered
to the trigger into a series of mechanical actions
that result in the forward movement of the hammer
to discharge the weapon. The Trigger Group
consists of various pins, the trigger itself, the
trigger housing, the trigger guard, the hammer,
the hammer spring, the hammer spring plunger, the
sear, the clip ejector spring, and the safety.

Trigger group - hammer
in the cocked position.

Trigger group hammer in the 'up' or fired
Special Notes: Rotating the
trigger guard will cock the hammer when the trigger
group is assembled correctly. Correct lubrication
of this assembly is important.
Other items of interest in this
photograph: Dress Medals These
small medals were worn as a group by a veteran of
the Army on his dress uniform. The medals represented
here are: Japan Occupation Medal, Armed Forces Reserve
Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Korean Service
Medal, and the UN Medal For Korean Service.

Trigger Group shown in final
page was last updated on: March 14, 2002
